Thursday, February 5, 2009

How to Conquer Fear ?

Dr. Rick Levy

Fear is rampant in today’s society. You have the power to banish fear from your life, and you should resolve to do so because of its highly destructive nature. If it is allowed to go unchecked it will paralyze your efforts to succeed and eventually cause illness in your mind and body. Moreover, chronic fear generates negative energy that broadcasts out from your mind into the world around you, where it infects society and serves only to attract more fear. For all these reasons, fear must be dealt with effectively. 

At the psychological level, fear is our built-in warning system. Just like you have pain in your body to alert you to illness or injury , you have fear in your mind to alert you to a threat to your safety. When fear arises it triggers the release of stress hormones that divert blood flow away from the vital organs to the large muscles. The body does this because it is preparing to fight or run away from something - the classic “fight or flight” response. 

A single brief episode of fear serves an important function that might save your life if the threat were a street thug or a tiger. But there are so many threats that prey on the public mind these days that the stress response never abates. The result is that people succumb to a chronic fear-based stress syndrome with dangerous long-term health effects. These include poor digestion, autoimmune problems, glandular disease, retarded healing, poor functioning of vital organs like the heart and lungs, anger, rage, fear, terror, distorted thinking, impatience, erratic emotional states, memory loss, anxiety, and depression. 

At the spiritual level, chronic fear is a destructive energetic force ( avidya ) that leads us away from one another and from God. People who suffer from chronic fear tend to pull back from the collective and become increasingly more distrustful, alienated and frightened. Where there is chronic fear among many, avidya energy intensifies and becomes a contagion that will captivate the entire society. This is the purpose of avidya , which always functions to alienate people from each other and increase suffering. 

To deal with fear effectively, first recognize it as a warning when it arises - your mind is telling you to pay attention. Do not try to dismiss it or “tough it out.” Instead, slow down long enough to examine why you are fearful and honestly face the threat. Then directly address it by coming up with an effective action plan to deal with it. Do what you need to do to increase your safety (even the threat of terrorism can be minimized by changes in policy and behavior). Once you’ve done this, recognize that you’re in need of healing. 

The best antidote for fear is vidya - the virtuous forces that work to lead us into God by promoting the nobility of every person and the oneness of humankind. So to heal yourself from fear, start by doing things that make you feel secure and bring you love and happiness. Reconnect with family and friends. Make a determined effort to reach out to others in heartfelt compassion, and even consider doing a little public service. You’ll feel much better, and at the same time you’ll help shift the societal energies away from avidya disunity and into vidya unity and compassion. 

The most effective way to banish fear is to meditate. Even a little daily meditation (15 minutes) will heal you from fear. Meditation has been scientifically proven to produce the opposite of the human stress response: blood pressure goes down, circulation is equalized throughout the vital organs, immune functioning is elevated, breathing and heart rate are slowed, and brain waves relax to produce a peaceful mental euphoria. Meditation has these effects because it brings you into conscious awareness of your soul ( Atman ), which is eternal, blissful, all powerful and impervious to threats of any kind. The fountain of ensuing joy that follows soul contact in meditation is more than sufficient to banish the energy of fear from body and mind. 

Meditate in the morning, then use this simple technique to banish fear if it arises during the day in response to a new stimulus. To use it, you must remain aware of your emotions so you can intervene as soon as you feel fear rising. When it does, place your attention on the third eye (the point between the eyebrows). Then draw in a deep breath while you silently affirm “I am soul - eternal, all knowing, ever-new joy.” As you breathe out, silently chant Om . Do this (breathe in with affirmation; chant Om while breathing out) for three slow consecutive breaths. You will feel better immediately. Use the technique as often as fear rises. As you do, you will train your mind to focus constantly on the highest of vidya virtues - your unity with God - at which point, fear will cease to exist. 


  1. This is a great post on fear, this is stuff I've been pushing for a while, fear abused by the human mind. Imagine that...

  2. That's a really helpful article. :))
